The Sword of Kaigen

Author : M. L. Wang Rating : No rating is high enough. Recommend : This is the best epic fantasy novel ever written. When Misaki Tsusano married Takeru Matsuda, she knew what she was getting in to. After all, the Matsuda's were the most powerful bloodline in all of Kaigen - their descendants were born warriors, men blessed with godly powers. Leaving everything in her past behind, Misaki Tsusano became Misaki Matsuda. Misaki <3 Fourteen years later, with war brewing on the horizon and tensions among the family rising, the question to be asked is this: will the Matsuda's pull together in time to defend their Empire? Or will they tear each other apart before the real enemy even reaches their shores? The Sword of Kaigen is the novel that every single fantasy book out there only dreams to be. It's the legend passed on among generations, the hero that every novel will aspire towards for eons more to come. If I could scream it from the rooftops I would: this book is perfect . ...